Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer
fur V-2 Raketen auf Zugkraftwagen 8-ton

V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle


Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

In 1944-45, German V-2 missiles were launched from various sites to avoid Allied air attacks. The V-2 launch group had to be, therefore, highly mobile and capable of movement off the road. The firing of up to 8-12 missiles per day by some batteries showed the ruggedness in ingenuity of these units.

There were different types of specialized support vehicles in the V-2 launching units, such as fuel bowsers (Lw35019 and Lw35020 kits), generators, pumps, rocket trailers etc.
Some vehicles were adapted from existing Wehrmacht equipment and proved quite compatible.

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

Thus, the very widely used in German army half-tracked prime-mover Sd.Kfz.7 made by Krauss-Maffei / Daimler-Benz and Bussing and powered by the 115 hp Maybach 'HL 52 TU' engine, converted to the armored launch control vehicle (the Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer), became the heart of the V-2 rocket launching units.

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

The vehicle, having an armored shelter superstructure, mounted on the rear of the half-track, would be positioned about 100 meters from the missile launch pad. The protective measures were intended to shield the crew in case the missile collapsed on the pad and exploded (not uncommon event with the early A-4).

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

The photo below shows Feuerleitpanzer, captured by Russians, sheltered to perform the V-2 trials. ( 1947, Kapustin Yar proving ground, Russia).

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

The Feuerleitpanzer had a crew of four. Three of them - the radio panel engineer, the propulsion unit operator, and the power control operator - were situated in the rear of the armored superstructure, equiped with three armored-glass peepholes to observe the launching field (photo below):

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

The the launch commander's compartment in the front area of the superstructure was equipped with a telephone communicator, connected to the other members of the launching unit:

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=
Kleinen Klappenschrank zu 10 Ltg. SB-10T mit Amtszusatz und Erdsprechgerat (the 10-lines Field Switchboards SB-10T with Dialing Device and Telephone Set).
This set of commander's equipment is presented in the Lw35222 kit.

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

The telephone lines connectors were mounted on the port board, outside of the vehicle. along with additional electric batteries, and the connectors to supply power and signal to the rocket.

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

On the starboard side there was a door and a box for instruments and spare parts.

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

On the march, the Feuerleitpanzer often towed the mobile launching pad (Abschussplattform) on a trailer.

Sd.Kfz.7/3 Feuerleitpanzer fur V-2 Raketen (V-2 Rocket Command Vehicle) title=

The Feuerleitpanzer model is available in two versions: as the Exterior-only Lw35223 kit, and the Full-Interior Lw35222 kit.

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